[Money Club] Making Money 探錢淺談

[Money Club]

- an on-line meeting place for Money Talks, Tips and Topics 探錢俱樂部 - 上網交換金錢經驗, 看法, 感受, 創意,無所不談

Talking about money - you can't afford missing these:

Earning, Saving, Spending, investing, giving, safeguarding and tracking MONEY.

談到錢 - 我們免不了一定要好好談及:

錢得怎麼賺, 存, 用, 投資, 捐贈, 保管, 追蹤做記錄.

Earning and Learning are born twins - It takes learning to earn some money; and it also takes earning to learn something. In general, the more you learn the more you earn.


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