目前分類:6. Phrases + Short Sentences 三言兩語 (4)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Meeting, Conference, Convention, Workshop 扶輪社會議 五花八門,

例會,地區年會,世界年會 哪個對哪個,拜託!

答案:  問就知道啦!

問誰:  地區總監啊, 前總監, 還有資深扶輪社友, 都可以.

再問: 真的?!

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6. Right at your fingertips 垂手可得!

Bilingual literacy - Right at your fingertips 自修雙語通 垂手可得!

Right at your fingertips垂手可得!

A finger is one of the five parts of your hand, including the thumb.

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Club? What's it? 俱樂部? 社團? 還是球桿?


It’s simple.

Simply put, it’s a group of people and they meet for a special or shared purpose.

Rotary Club is a group of people who meet for service.

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"The Greatest discrimination in the world now is against poor people" - Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States


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