
5650 GSE Team 5 BMWs to land 22:10 April 7 美國內布拉斯加州GSE來訪團 今晚抵達台灣

[ GSE Chair Language報導  歡迎提供最新訊息  行動電話0933 778 337 一天24小時開放]

DAY 1 04.07.2009 Tuesday

Taiwan Land Form 

(Courtesy Prof. Chyan-Deng Jan, National Cheng Kung Univ., Taiwan)

5 BMWs ?

Yes, 5 bright Midwesterners: Mailani, Jill, Meagan, Jeff and Chris.

Nothing to do with BMW cars at all!

Just a trick for making them popular, could be a stupid idea and the author, Rotarian “Language” is to blame.


不是啦,其實是 五位冰雪聰明中西部老外:美蘭妮(團長), 婕薾、玫茛、杰扶、克里斯 (團員)Language出個點子封他們為5 BMW加強印象一下。


Their Northwest flight will arrive at TIA, Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, in Terminal 2, at 22:10.

With open arms, GSE Chair – Language, Inbound Team Coordinators – Language and A.G. Tim and five presidents for Rotary Clubs in Hsinchu Area #1 and more will be welcoming the arrival of the 5 BMWs – 5650 GSE Team.

Upon finishing the reception steps at 23:00 or so, they will ride on a shuttle bus well arranged by A.G. Tim and the 5 club presidents, to Lakeshore Hotel, Hsinchu, and stay overnight for soothing from long air trip and jetlag (13 hour time difference between Nebraska and Taiwan.).


搭載五位5650 GSE團員的西北航空航班機、將於今日04-07-2009週二晚間22:10抵達台灣桃園國際機場第二航站。屆時到場歡迎的3500地區團隊、包括新竹第一分區、助理總監Tim及五社五位社長、及地區GSE主委Language等扶輪兄弟姊妹,將以壯盛陣容拉紅布條、張開雙手、熱烈歡迎 五位冰雪聰明中西部老外:美蘭妮(團長), 婕薾、玫茛、杰扶、克里斯。新竹第一分區、助理總監Tim及五社五位社長、事先慎密籌劃,派出一輛中型遊覽車接送,預計於23:00 簡單隆重歡迎儀式後、直接前往新竹湮波二館,以便緩衝一下十幾個小時航行顛簸、以及Nebraska Taiwan兩地13小時時差。


 All fellow Rotarians are encouraged to join us at the welcome reception in Terminal 2, TIA. Having a photo taken together with 5 BMW our fine guests will certainly leave you a wonderful memory and record in your Rotarian Career.

歡迎熱心扶輪社友共襄盛舉、到桃園機場二航站一樓參加歡迎式。與5 BMW貴賓遠客一起留影、可為您的扶輪生涯增添一頁美麗的回憶和記錄。



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